Church History That Liberates Dura Europos and the Early Church in Syria
The Rev. Drs. Megan Rohrer and Susan Strouse talk about Dura Europos and the early church in Syria. Did you know that the earliest known...
Church History That Liberates Dura Europos and the Early Church in Syria
John 20:19-31 Easter 2 Meditation
Joni Mitchell Mass
Mindful Music: Peace: Joni Mitchell Mass
Ain't Got Time For Incremental Justice
Trans-Substantiation Service
Lino Cut Meditation of Genesis 2:21-23
How to Make an Altar
Revelations 21:1-6 Lino Cut Meditation
Beautiful Jesus - a rewrite of the hymn Beautiful Savior
God Be With You Through Transition
An Hallelujah for Epiphany